Pratley Electrical Products are distributed by Andrews Adhesives

Andrews Adhesives is the exclusive distributor of Pratley electrical products. The Pratley range of leading edge electrical products serve the industrial, construction, petrochemical and offshore markets. Pratley (Pty) Ltd and its affiliate companies manufacture over 800 products and are ISO 9001:2008 accredited.

Pratley is the South African market leader in electrical terminations, Pratley manufactures SABS mark bearing Electrical Cable Glands and Electrical Junction Boxes. Those variants for use in hazardous locations comply with the international IEC standards for Ex n, Ex e and Ex d explosion protected electrical equipment. Most also comply with the European ATEX directive. Pratley Cable Glands and Junction Boxes can be found in many petrochemical plants and collieries.

Andrews Adhesives is located in the city of Ter Aar, the Netherlands, just 15km south of Schiphol Amsterdam Airport. From our distribution center we supply most products directly from stock or from the Pratley factory in South Africa.

Pratley Benelux / Andrews Adhesives

Office: Sibculobrink 24, 7544 AB Enschede,
The Netherlands

Telephone: +31 (0)6 2154388


Company registration No.: 28089862
VAT No.: NL1115.62.375.B03